News soft article marketing corporate brand soft article marketing news soft article writing skills


News soft article marketing corporate brand soft article marketing news soft article writing skills

Jingke pointed out that news soft articles have become one of the important channels for businesses to disseminate information and build brand image. Doing a good job in the soft writing of news soft articles can not only attract more eyeballs and attention, but also establish the brand image of the company.

1: The role of soft articles in the circle of friends pointed out that corporate news soft article marketing is a very effective means of communication, which can help companies better promote their products and brands. Advertisers spread advertising information to target users through Moments, which directly affects the purchasing behavior of target users and realizes the purpose of corporate promotion.

2: The principle of writing soft articles in the circle of friends

  1. The title of the soft text should be eye-catching 2. The content of the soft text should be readable 3. The content of the soft text should be interactive 4. The typesetting of the soft text should be beautiful and generous

3: How to write attractive Moments soft articles

How to write attractive Moments soft articles If you want your Moments soft articles to attract more people, then you should pay attention to these points: 1. The title should be attractive 2. The pictures should be good-looking 3. The content should be easy to read 4. The timing of posting should be appropriate 5. Pay attention to the communication of words 6. The shared content should be valuable 7. Reply to comments in time The above is my personal opinion, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

In short, it is necessary to do a good job in writing soft articles for Moments, and attractive content is the key. If you want to do this well, you must write according to the different characteristics of customers. Only in this way can brand communication be more effective.

How to write soft articles so that readers are attracted? Through the following three points, you can better write attractive soft articles.

1: Attract people from the title

If you want to write an attractive soft article, you must think carefully from the title. The title is the first contact point of the article. If the title is not attractive, readers will not be interested in reading it. Therefore, the title must be well grasped. The title should not only be attractive, but also concise and clear. Readers don't want to see a bunch of tongue-twisting words or cobbled together sentences. To make the title concise and clear, it is necessary to avoid using uncommon words or too many rhetorical devices. In addition, the title should be readable, that is, it should be easy and pleasant to read, not boring. When writing the title, you can also use some rhetorical techniques. For example, exaggeration, personification, irony, subjunctive mood and other techniques are used. These figures of speech can make headlines more engaging.

2: The content is compact, lively and interesting

Tight, vivid text helps to grab the reader's attention and make them want to invest in your article. To achieve this goal, exaggerated language and expressions can be used to highlight important information.

3: Use exaggerated language

Exaggerated language can attract people's attention and make people more interested. Please don't stick to reality, you can try to use some exaggerated expressions. For example: This product is simply magic! This is a product that will make you more beautiful! This product will help you achieve your ideal weight easily!

According to’s rich experience in news soft text marketing, soft text marketing properly makes up for the inadequacies of hard advertising, and guides consumers into brand promotion with the effect of hidden needles in the cotton, which plays an important role in shaping a perfect brand image . In addition, as a professional Internet integrated marketing organization, can also cooperate with soft text marketing by integrating other types of communication forms, such as the establishment of an entire network e-commerce platform, information flow advertisements on major Internet media, and a multi-pronged approach to help Enterprises create a high-end brand image.


Beijing Jingkewang Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and is headquartered in Beijing. It is a professional brand enterprise. Listed companies provide professional news soft article marketing, short video marketing, celebrity resources, expert resources and other network marketing services to build a network An Internet technology company marketing brand image, focusing on providing integrated Internet marketing services for brand enterprises. Comprehensively integrate Internet media resources, and through efficient operation modes such as rigorous planning, proper implementation, and precise promotion, we have helped corporate customers in various industries successfully achieve the goals of brand building, image building, and product promotion in the Internet field.

After 15 years of hard work and development, has formed a brand of "search engine marketing, information flow advertising, brand advertising, traditional advertising, news soft article marketing, forum marketing, Weibo marketing, WeChat marketing, SEO optimization, word of mouth communication, and Chinese domain names. (Chinese.Website domain name, Chinese.Mall domain name, Chinese.Mobile domain name)" and other comprehensive precise network integrated marketing services! Since its establishment 15 years ago, it has been standing on the cusp of the Internet era, grasping the lifeline of the development of the times, standardizing the integrated marketing of network promotion, the industry standard of news soft article marketing, and effectively disseminating. In the era of mobile Internet, based on the breadth and depth of the Internet, we provide multi-dimensional network promotion services, provide news and advertorial marketing for more than thousands of companies, integrate marketing methods to spread brands, monitor and optimize network operations, and realize brand building on the Internet for companies. and marketing goals. (

The Small Marketing Collective | MktLab

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