A ten-year development veteran, an in-depth analysis of why the employment standards of enterprises are getting higher and higher? !


As a development veteran of more than 10 years, Brother Tao has experienced many interviews and interviewed many people. After so many years, he has personally realized that the company's employment standards are getting higher and higher, and the company's requirements for development engineers are becoming more and more "excessive" ". So Brother Tao will take this opportunity today to analyze why the IT industry is so "involved".

1. Upgrading of information-driven technology

For each of us front-line fighters in the computer industry, every day is non-stop learning, because the development of information technology is too fast! long long ago, the development first stayed on the original basis of realizing the function, as long as the function is realized, it is a good achievement, but as the degree of informatization becomes deeper and deeper, the business we face becomes more and more complex, we must ensure the realization of the business At the same time, it must be efficient and agile enough. For example, springboot is born for high efficiency.

But now, as more and more people participate in the Internet and the user base is getting bigger and bigger, we not only need to realize business, but also ensure that business can withstand pressure. Then technology must be upgraded, and we must play The idea of ​​divide and conquer adopts distributed architecture and performance optimization.

Therefore, with the development of the times, the requirements for technical personnel will increase accordingly, so technological upgrading is inevitable. We technicians must keep learning to maintain market competitiveness.

2. Business scenarios are ever-changing, and technical requirements emerge in an endless stream

All technologies are to serve the business, the business belongs to the problem domain, and the technology belongs to the solution domain. The more problems there are, the broader the technical solutions will be.

If it is a report business, you need to use poi;

If the search business needs to use elasticsearch;

If system security control needs to use springsecurity or shiro; if distributed scenario springcloud;

If high-concurrency performance optimization requires Redis cache optimization, database optimization, sharding-sphere optimization, MQ traffic peak shaving and valley filling;

If massive data storage and massive data analysis, then you need to understand big data solutions (spark, hadoop, flink, kudu, hbase, hive, kafka, sqoop, flume);

There are also devops components (git, maven, gitlab, jekins, docker, k8s, sonar).

There are often multiple solutions to the same problem, each of which is supported by technology. As a business person, you need to keep a keen eye, understand new technologies, and use this to propose better solutions.

3. Full stack of enterprise employment standards

A full-stack engineer refers to a person who has mastered multiple skills and can use multiple skills to complete the product independently. Full stack is becoming an industry trend. Small and medium-sized enterprises need full-stack engineers. Full-stack engineers can reduce communication time, reduce communication costs, and improve development efficiency. They can even be used by multiple people. At the same time, full-stack engineers have global thinking when dealing with problems. So can you become a full-stack engineer? Do full-stack engineers know everything and know nothing? How to become a full-stack engineer?

Learning, if you want to become a full-stack engineer, learning is necessary, and you have to pay more energy to learn than pure back-end and pure front-end, but learning can't be done in parallel. If you want to learn sequentially, you should spend about 2 years on deep cultivation In one field, the best entry point is java development.

Learn java systematically first, and java will tell you about programming ideas, web ideas, database operations, and distributed ideas. Can survive on java.

When you are able to develop stably in the industry, you have already encountered the first bottleneck, which is the bottleneck of technology. At this time, you can broaden your technology stack from a technical perspective, and you can choose big data or front-end as an entry point to continue study.

The suggestion is big data. The technical ecological programming language of big data can basically use java. You can quickly get started in a short time. Stack, when the technology stack is comprehensive, you still need to be accomplished in some fields, that is, to dig deep, which is the depth of technology, such as learning spring in depth, such as participating in code contributions to community projects, etc.

In the end, it is a technical activity. When you devote energy and time to it, it can give you rich returns. If you want to have a good development in this industry, you can’t be satisfied with basic business development. You must improve yourself, upgrade your technology, and improve your market competitiveness. Brother Tao hopes that everyone with dreams can finally stand out from the encirclement , Standing out from many programmers to become the best Class A engineer.

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