Meituan Dianping new store operation, you must master a few strategies


1. How to quickly gain a foothold in the early stage of a new store?

For a new store, the most fearful thing is that the first three months are tepid, making people see no hope. Therefore, trial opening is very necessary. Let people know about your new store. For details, you can refer to the following channels.

Offline: Distribute leaflets and gifts in nearby communities or office buildings; if conditions permit, you can go to the community for activities, or cooperate with real estate companies for discount rebates, and if you have sufficient funds, you can also advertise elevators in surrounding areas for more than 2 weeks.

Online: The most basic online channels for exposure should be channels such as Meituan, map navigation, and food delivery. (ps: Because Meituan/Dianping will support new stores for new stores)

After the operation of the first step above, there will almost be natural traffic entering the store, and when we have natural traffic entering the store, the two basic things of service and taste cannot be lost.

2. How to expand traffic in the first three months of the new store?

The second step is to expand traffic through online platform building and word-of-mouth building. As for this part, for most merchants, Meituan and Dianping should be the first to build; but for merchants with strength and advantages, Dianping may not give priority to building, but first improve their own private domain traffic system before going Do exposure on the review side.

So how should Meituan and Dianping be built? Please see the following steps:

Store image decoration→package setting→event setting→promotion pass→scoring star upgrade→list, note external word-of-mouth.

The above mentioned is to expand traffic from the public/Meituan side, while Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Weibo, Zhihu, etc. will bring very good traffic, especially Douyin, Xiaohongshu, accurate intra-city traffic There are so many, if you have time and ability, you might as well give it a try.

3. How to create private domain traffic?

The establishment of private domain traffic is necessary, but there are too many aspects involved, and we can discuss further if necessary. A simple summary can be composed of these aspects (common and applicable):

  • Public account/cash register (drainage port)
  • Mini Programs (Membership Orders, Stored Value, Marketing)
  • Community (activate user)
  • Activity fission (activate user)

4. External drainage strategies for other platforms

Other platforms refer to Douyin, Xiaohongshu, distribution platforms, Weibo, Zhihu, etc. Here we will focus on the distribution platform, such as the replacement of activities such as Lianlian peripheral tours. They all do promotion in the form of low prices to achieve the purpose of distribution. For merchants, apart from the good-looking data, it really has little effect, because their group belongs to customers who value prices, and the repurchase rate is extremely low. In terms of drainage, their platforms also need to attract traffic. Users who come to buy only remember that there are discounts on their platform, but not what discounts are offered by merchants. It is similar to Meituan, so this also reflects the private domain traffic of building their own stores. importance. Merchants should pay attention to rebates to old customers instead of platforms.

Xiaohongshu and Douyin can be used as drainage terminals; Weibo and Zhihu can be used as word-of-mouth terminals;

  • Xiaohongshu and Douyin self-operated accounts can increase store exposure through the display of offline activities in the store and expert visits to the store.
  • Weibo and Zhihu serve as word-of-mouth terminals, so you don’t need to create your own account, just find more amateurs to reflect your store’s evaluation.

If you don’t have the time, energy or team to do these tasks, please leave a message to contact us, professional people will do the professional work, and the effect will be twice the result with half the effort.

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