More than ten years of Java 'old fritters', teach you how to learn Java well and thoroughly

  1. Introduction

Before explaining how to learn Java, Qian Fengjian will take you to review the development history of the Java language.

In fact, as early as 1982, the Java language was born in the Sun company of Stanford University in the United States. The full name of Sun is "Stanford University Network". Sun is a dynamic and creative Silicon Valley company. Obviously, such companies respect their employees very much. The boss will want to maximize the creativity of the employees to "extract the maximum residual value" and stimulate the enthusiasm of the employees to the greatest extent.

Back in 1990, there was a talented guy at Sun who was bald, but he did get stronger. He's been in a bad mood lately because his boss keeps asking him to take on jobs that aren't very creative, advanced, or cool.

It doesn't meet his expectations for work at all. He feels that life is dark, his mood is not beautiful, his waist hurts, his legs are sore... He wants to escape, he wants to pursue his ideal, he goes Realize the value of your life... However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is more skinny. When the boss took out a lot of beautiful yuan, set out all kinds of unlimited conditions, and established it for him Set up a separate department and let him do whatever he wants... He is numb, and suddenly he feels that poetry and the distance are not so beautiful, and now life is pretty good, um, really fragrant.

In the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet era, it was particularly important for Sun to make correct deployments and seize market opportunities in the last ten years of the 20th century. At this time, Sun was discussing whether to do hardware or software, and it was a headache to do technology or products.

At that time, various small household appliances had already begun to be embedded with code programs in order to improve the intelligence of various products. The extremely smart man also participated in the company's strategic decision-making. There were two options in front of him. One was to produce a single electrical product with everyone, and the other was to develop a low-level programming language covering these products.

For such a proud person, he disdains to do the same thing as others. As Mr. Lu Xun said, the beasts always walk alone, and the cattle and sheep are in groups. So he and his friends invented a brand new programming language, which was later Java.

Genius is always alone. In fact, it was not so smooth at the beginning, not to mention that the development of Sun Corporation was not very good at that time, but genius has the pride of genius, because he believes that he can change the world.

In 1995, on a sunny morning, at the Silicon Valley-Hollywood Internet Entertainment Industry Conference, he brought his Java skills to the audience, causing an uproar in the audience and countless fans instantly. Since then, there has been another programming language called Java in the world, which has changed the whole world. This man is James Gosling "James Gosling", our dear teacher Gao.

  1. Basic introduction to Java

  2. Leaderboard

Let's take a look at the latest programming language rankings. We can see that the Java language basically occupies the top three positions every year, which can be described as prosperous for decades.

  1. Trends

  2. Main applications

As an old fritter with more than ten years of experience in Java research and development, Jian Ge himself feels that the development of the Java ecological chain is very mature and powerful, and it has been applied to various fields such as big data, embedded fields, software tools, website development, etc. in the field.

In fact, as one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, Java language has excellent performance in terms of performance, security and stability. All over the world, major development companies are using Java. So, what are you waiting for, hurry up and learn, then how to learn Java to learn it well?

  1. How can we learn thoroughly?

Next, Brother Jian will tell you how to learn Java well and thoroughly.

  1. How to understand thoroughly

In the martial arts world of Mr. Jin Yong, there is a martial art called "Nine Swords of Dugu", which emphasizes "no tricks, but one tricks to win". For martial arts, it is more than that.

Putting it in Java, the so-called "penetration" means that complex functions can be completed in the simplest way, taking into account the advantages of scalability and robustness. Learning these characteristics of Java to the extreme is "penetration".

  1. How to learn thoroughly?

Below, Brother Jian will share the experience of learning Java, hoping to give you some tips and help for your friends who are learning Java.

2.1 The first stage

To master the basic grammar, language features. Although the basic syntax code of Java is relatively small, it needs to memorize a lot of content. The content of this section is mainly practice makes perfect, we must move our hands, type more codes, practice more, and then remember.

2.2 The second stage

Proficient in the peripheral tools of the Java ecosystem, such as MySQL, JDBC, Servlet, JSP and other related operations.

In addition to MySQL and JDBC, servlet and jsp are no longer directly used by most enterprises. But these technologies are very important, because these are actually the bottom layer of framework technology, so we need to understand the working principle of servlet and jsp, so that when we learn the framework in the future, it will be a matter of course.

2.3 The third stage

Familiar with Java ecological frameworks, such as Spring Family Bucket, Spring Cloud, MyBatis, Redis, message middleware, etc.

These are all hands-on and have a lot of content. This part is also the mainstream technology used by enterprises, so we must first learn the basic use of these frameworks, and then go back to study the underlying principles and go down step by step.

2.4 The fourth stage

Familiar with the underlying principles, source code, design patterns, performance optimization, concurrent programming, algorithms, etc. of various technologies.

These contents are considered advanced contents, and they are definitely at the level of senior engineers or even architects. However, it is not so easy to understand for those who have just entered the workplace. We need to have a certain amount of work experience and code accumulation to better understand the content of this section.

2.5 The fifth stage

Finally, we need to verify the knowledge points we have mastered with projects one by one, and constantly find and solve problems in the process of doing projects. This is the most important part. In this process, we also need to constantly think and summarize, so that our understanding of knowledge will be further improved.

  1. Conclusion

All technology will serve the project, otherwise the purpose of technology will be lost, while projects exist to solve practical problems in life. Thorough or not thorough, is just a statement, as the so-called, live to old, learn old.

As long as we maintain a humble heart for technology and a passion for learning like a first love, one day, we will all reach the state of thoroughness.

Brother Jian, I have been working for more than ten years, but I am still learning new technologies. I have to update my technical route every year. Finally, I hope everyone can maintain a continuous improvement mentality, so as not to be eliminated.

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