The importance and methods of self-media marketing


Foreword: Now there are many forms of online marketing. The earliest bidding and brand advertising were based on search engines such as Baidu, Sogou, and 360. E-commerce marketing on B2B platforms such as, Taobao, and Alibaba gradually emerged. Now with the rise of self-media, those marketing methods that use self-media as a platform are called self-media marketing. Presumably everyone knows more or less about self-media marketing, but they don’t understand its importance and how to do it well, so I will introduce it to you.

The importance of self-media marketing

With the development of science and technology, we are slowly coming to the era of self-media. In this era of self-media, everyone has become a reporter, and everyone has a microphone and a camera. The advantages of self-media marketing have gradually started self-media marketing, so why should companies do self-media marketing? What is the importance of social media marketing? I think there are three things:

1. Realize the interaction between enterprises and customers

To put it bluntly, we-media represents ourselves or the enterprise. While maintaining the image, we can do some promotion and marketing, so that the enterprise and customers can communicate effectively. Moreover, the foundation of successful marketing lies in the establishment of trust, and trust depends on communication. In-depth and effective communication can greatly enhance trust, while traditional marketing methods are difficult to achieve. We-media marketing is not. , using stories, series, etc. to tell customers to listen, you can also show all aspects of the company and products to customers through interactive methods such as games and questions, so as to achieve effective communication, enhance customer trust to a greater extent, and improve marketing effects.

2. Cost-effective

Through the penetration effect of the Internet and mobile Internet, we-media can maximize the development of potential customers, just like a "black hole" that can be accurately absorbed, only absorbing those interested in it, attracting specific groups of people and segmenting them. Therefore, the marketing efficiency of self-media can be improved. This marketing model truly realizes the "zero distance" between the communication between merchants and users, and achieves a win-win situation; due to the development of self-media, it provides more free and open platforms for enterprises, and enterprises can establish official websites for free. Establish a brand space and create corresponding brand entries on the web page for free, thereby reducing the high promotion cost and reducing the promotion cost.

3. Large user base

In recent years, the number of self-media people in China has been increasing. With the development of mobile Internet, the number of people based on Douyin, Kuaishou, WeChat, Weibo, etc. has shown an increasing trend. According to the data of China Internet Network Information Center, WeChat platform The number of users exceeds 1 billion, and the short video platform in the self-media platform has reached 888 million. With such a user volume, this also establishes a good data foundation for self-media marketing.

Second, the reasons for the poor operation of self-media

I understand the importance of self-media operation, and many companies are also doing self-media operation, but many people have such questions, why some people are doing well in self-media, while others are poor? Why doesn't anyone see what I do? What is the reason for this? I think it's caused by:

  1. Lack of interactivity; 2. News of official accounts; 3. Single content; 4. Brainless following the trend; 5. Low level of planners; 6. Lack of high-quality fans; 7. Not knowing fans' attention own reasons.

Therefore, the company becomes a company that only publishes corporate news and blunt language articles, which lacks interaction with fans. It only explains when it encounters public opinion events. It is consistent with the public, lacks its own creativity, and lacks ductility for its own brand and products. The activity has no other new ideas except for rewarding and forwarding. I want to buy zombie fans but are afraid of spending money, thus presenting a state of "Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?".

How do we do a good job of self-media operation, please read below.

3. How to do self-media marketing

1. Exercise your writing skills

Although there are many tips for doing well in self-media operation, in the end, it is the last word that the articles are well written. There are many ways to write well. For example, you can set a small goal and write one every day. You can choose an article on the subject of your choice. If you stick to it for a month, your writing skills will definitely improve. You can also read more books and learn from other people's literary talent.

2. Push more valuable content

Consider the content required by the platform, account positioning, product positioning, and what content users are concerned about. You can start by searching, analyzing keywords, and conducting user surveys.

3. Convert product language

Many companies only know how to make products with their heads down, but when they introduce products to the outside world, the language is too specialized, so that many users cannot easily understand the products. It is recommended that when introducing products, companies can also list the characteristics of their own products, select their features or highlights, and then use the most accurate, concise and easy-to-understand language to describe the product completely, which will allow users to better Capture the core content of the product.

4. Do a good job in word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth on the Internet will directly affect the popularity of corporate brands and products, and will also seriously affect consumers' cognition of products and their purchase intentions. It will enhance the authority of the company and improve the conversion rate of products. After all, customers are willing to choose companies with good reputation. So how do you do word-of-mouth marketing? I think you can do the following two things:

(1) Pay attention to the voice of customers

It is difficult to obtain the voice of customers. When customers sometimes have flaws and poor experience in the use of the product, they sometimes share negative news with friends or other customers in a venting way. Negative information reaches the ears of businesses and can spread beyond repair. So how to avoid it? In fact, enterprises can understand customer satisfaction through questionnaires, and make appropriate adjustments to products and services based on user feedback.

(2) Share the brand's story

If a product can convey the brand spirit, it is easier for customers to like it, because it can show the efforts and intentions behind the brand to customers, not only customers see the company's products, but also let customers understand the company's philosophy and spirit

5. More reference to peers

In the initial stage, many people do not know how to operate self-media, so we can refer to our peers. This is a simple and easy way.

6. Accumulate more seed customers

Through the interaction with fans in the community, word of mouth can be spread, and the original seed customers can be well served, because the subsequent marketing skills will leave these original seed customers. The more seed customers, the easier it is to start marketing.

7. Focus on originality and enhance creativity

It is necessary to pay attention to the originality of the content, even for marketing. Customers have aesthetic fatigue, and the same or similar content will only disgust customers. In the process of self-media marketing, originality reflects the innovation and professional level of the enterprise, which can help the enterprise to better attract fans.

8. Monitor marketing effectiveness

Now is the era of informationization, and self-media marketing is often used in marketing work. However, the complex network environment and the impact of negative public opinion have made it fail to achieve the expected marketing effect, thus getting into trouble. , doubt whether its own strategic layout is correct, so it is very important to monitor the marketing effect well, and you can change the strategy adjustment policy at the first time.

4. Summary

In the vigorous development of self-media, for enterprise marketing, it is both a challenge and an opportunity. Enterprises should take the initiative to seize it, rather than let it slip away, and make full use of its advantages to achieve precise marketing, so that enterprises have the opportunity to grasp A larger market enables companies to get huge profits.

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