Marketing methods of advocacy promotion (analyzing the methods and techniques of advocacy promotion)


For the promotion of soft articles, the first news source ranks better, and you can see the effect faster. Not only is Baidu included, but Baidu information pages will also be displayed, and major platforms will forward it. In addition, if the press release exists on the Internet for a long time, it will bring lasting effects. As long as you insist on posting, whether it is promotion or product promotion, it will bring long-term impact. of.

We all know that the choice of media is very important, because a good platform will not only index better, but also rank higher. Such media will certainly have better results. With so many media sites, it is impossible for everyone to contact the editors one by one. At this time, the soft paper publishing platform is very important


Soft text is also very important. In fact, users are not stupid. You can tell at a glance whether the article is written by the author, and for search engines, original content search engines prefer original content. , so the soft paper should be as original as possible, or the originality should reach more than 60% or 70%, so that it is easier to be included.

Because it is the source site of news, it will cause reposts on major platforms, so as to get more traffic, get more traffic, more conversions, and may even become popular.

Generally speaking, press release refers to paid release, because paid release media platforms will also be more effective. Of course, if you don't have a budget, you can also find some platforms that can publish manuscripts for free. Such as Weibo, Tieba, Douban, etc. Of course, the disadvantage of free platforms is that they may be blocked from advertising, but paid advertising does not have this problem.

There is a huge demand for publications in press releases. In addition to what the company is doing, many people will also publish. In fact, both individuals and companies can publish soft articles, because no qualifications are required. There are many media sources for publishing adverts. Details can be viewed on the media column soft article publishing platform. Aggregate tens of thousands of first-hand media resources, the price is low and cost-effective, the customer service is very strong, or you can also look at the media platforms published by your peers to choose from.

Press releases are now being valued by more and more companies because the benefits of press releases are long-term and stable. When there are more keywords, the more keywords are covered, then it is very simple to get customers from search engines such as Baidu. Just imagine, when most of the keywords in the industry your company is engaged in can be found on Baidu Ads, it is very easy to acquire customers or make deals, and it will passively acquire customers for a long time. This is the greatness of Advancing Marketing.

If users search for keywords in your company's industry on Baidu, they can see the articles published by your company. Will the transaction rate increase? If there are a total of 10 placements on the search results page, and there are several placements in your company, will the probability of transaction be greatly improved? Therefore, the promotion of soft articles is a must for enterprises.

Soft Spot for Soft Articles

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