Where to sell snacks to attract traffic? How to sell snacks to drain traffic?


Small snacks are indispensable for offices and kindergartens. If you open a snack shop on the Taobao e-commerce platform, you can use a lot of orders every day through better operation. However, Taobao merchants face not only the taste and quality of snacks, but also competition from other merchants, so the sales of many snack shops are not as good as expected. Taobao snack store has no sales, you can try Taobao drainage.

What is Taobao Drainage? In Taobao, users' browsing, collecting, purchasing, adding to shopping cart and other operations actually belong to Taobao traffic. If there is a lot of browsing traffic, other traffic will increase. Therefore, the drainage method is mainly to attract users to click to enter the product to browse and browse. Understand that it is the first step to attract users to the product details page. Here are some ways to attract traffic.

  1. Optimize keywords and titles

Taobao drainage can be achieved by optimizing product keywords and titles. When users search for the product they want to buy, they will first query by keyword. If the product contains the keyword, it will appear in the user's search result list. , so in order to attract traffic, you can set your own product keywords and titles to be more complete, not only to fill in the product type, but also to put the attributes and characteristics of the product in the title as much as possible.

  1. Carry out store activities

Taobao will hold some unified activities, and snack shops can also organize some activities to conduct Taobao drainage. For example, snack stores can launch some snack gift packages, participate in Juhuasuan or spike activities, and use preferential prices to attract users to buy. If the snack tastes good, it will come back for repurchase. Although the use of seckill activities or coupons will reduce the order profit of the store, the drainage effect that can be achieved is significant.

  1. Use the promotion and drainage platform

If the snack shop merchants have no experience in Taobao drainage, they can also use the promotion and drainage platform to achieve this. There are many operation methods in the promotion and drainage platform. Although it requires a certain service cost, the effect obtained is beyond the ability of the merchants themselves, such as one-piece generation and drainage methods, self-media drainage methods, live streaming methods, etc., all of which are some An effective way to meet the needs of current e-commerce platforms. The advantage of promoting the drainage platform is that the merchants do not need to worry about it. They only need to set their own goals and wait for the realization of the drainage effect.

  1. Free promotion

If it is in the initial stage of the store, and the store scale is small, there is no need to spend money to buy traffic. A large number of QQ groups, WeChat groups, shopping forums, etc. can be used as the first choice for promotion. As long as you write a good copy of snack products, highlight your own product advantages, and identify the shopping preferences of group members, you can intuitively increase store traffic and promote transaction rates.

Although the early drainage method does not require much money cost, it requires a lot of time cost. Constantly refreshing the group news, and constantly solving the pre-sales and after-sales consultation of the group members, all need to be paid by yourself.

  1. Paid promotion

Paid promotion refers to taking the initiative to participate in some official Taobao drainage activities, such as Taobao guest, website advertisement, WeChat applet link, etc. It needs a little money to operate, such as event registration fees, Taobao customer commissions, advertising fees, etc. The store traffic brought by this method is not comparable to the point-to-point promotion within the group. It can intuitively increase the store traffic, and the data is very considerable. It is the most cost-effective among many traffic drainage methods.

When a new Taobao store opens, whether it is a C store or a cat store, the traffic in the early stage is very small. If you directly open a through train or super recommend it, because the weight of the new store is too low, it is difficult to burn. And the super high click unit price also makes it extremely difficult for us to start attracting traffic.

Taobao snack stores basically rely on sales to make money. This kind of small profit but quick turnover product needs more Taobao drainage, especially when it needs to compete with some well-known stores. It must not be slack in promotion and drainage.

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